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HOME > Latest information from PREX > 【The Voice of Professional】Mr. Makoto RYOKE, Osaka Prefectural Government [1] is uploaded!

【The Voice of Professional】Mr. Makoto RYOKE, Osaka Prefectural Government [1] is uploaded!


Hello, Ex-participants in PREX programs.

How have your superiors and colleagues reacted to your achievements gained through learning in Japan when you reported to them?

We assume they must have praised you.

However, have you ever got stuck when you tried to put it into practice?

Have you ever been disappointed by being told, “It won’t work because our country is different from Japan” or “what is the point of working so hard?”

This kind of situations seem to happen more often in the government organizations.

Government officers — in some cases, don’t have great salary, and are in occupations which only pride in the country and motivation make them keep on going.

However, in Osaka Prefecture, there is a local government officer who has established innovative measures one after another and has led those measures to success with his high spirit and vitality.

Here, we are going to introduce how he created such measures and how he felt while he was tackling those tasks as a local government officer.

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Follow-up Team, PREX