Privacy Policy
Pacific Resource Exchange Center (PREX), public foundation, has instituted regulations on personal information protection and endeavors to utilizes and protect personal information in an appropriate manner.
1. Compliance with laws and other matters on personal information
PREX complies with laws and other matters concerning the protection of personal information and handles personal information.
2. Purposes of acquisition and use of personal information
PREX acquires personal information based on applicable and fair laws, as well as using the information only with the necessary scope for the accomplishment of training programs, exchange programs, publicity and their related duties.
3. Appropriate management of personal information
PREX strives to maintain the consistent accuracy and timeliness of the personal information it acquires. In addition, PREX takes measures to prevent the leakage, destruction or damage of personal information and measures that are necessary or appropriate for secure management. Furthermore, when PREX commissions outside parties to carry out duties, it conducts the necessary and appropriate supervision in order to maintain appropriate handling of information, along with requesting the commissioning party to carry out appropriate management of personal information.
4. Offering personal information to third parties
Personal information acquired by PREX is not disclosed or offered to third parties, excepting cases where the person in question agrees, the existence of necessities stemming from the law, or cases where the personal information is offered within the necessary scope for the fulfillment of applicable duties to entrusted parties for seminar duties, etc.
5. Disclosure, revision and deletion of personal information
Should a person request disclosure of personal information pertaining to that person, PREX will respond, barring any special reasons. If errors occur, they will be rectified, and if there are requests for deletion, then deletion will occur, barring any special reasons.
6. Inquiries
Pacific Resource Exchange Center (PREX)
International House,Osaka, 2nd Floor,
Uehommachi 8-2-6, Tennoji-ku, Osaka, 543-0001, Japan