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Corporate Visit:Saraya Co.,- PREX Island

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Developing, making and selling detergent, disinfectant, mouthwash and other hygiene goods and liquid medicine dispensing equipment

Saraya Co.,
Higashi Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City

Saraya Co., based in Higashi Sumiyoshi Ward, Osaka City, is famous for its “Yashinomi Senzai.” Apart from its products for household use, the company boasts lineups comprising a wide range of products and services including medical and industrial products, as it contributes to hygiene, environment and health of people in Japan and overseas. The company puts much effort into its CSR activities. One of its activities is developing the “One Million People’s Hand-washing Project” in Uganda in East Africa. This initiative was adopted as the JICA’s BOP preliminary survey project on promotion of cooperation. The company also developed the “Happy Hand-washing Project” in Cambodia from 2013, as it progresses with education on proper hand hygiene and spreading knowledge on liquid hand soaps and hand disinfecting alcohol cleaners. The company kindly provided us with guidance concerning hygiene management for food product factories, within the theme of food safety and security in our “Grassroots Technical Cooperation Program for Guangdong Province.” In particular, it provided focused guidance on hand washing, which is fundamental for all hygiene management. A “hand washing checker,” which reveals the amount of miscellaneous germs left on the hands when washing that follows the proper steps is not carried out.

  • Date : September 1, 2015
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