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Farewell!- PREX Island

PREX Members

Mr. Atsumu MORI, Section Chief, International Department March 31, 2015/Returned to Osaka Gas Co.

Mr. Atsumu MORI

I have been on loan to PREX since April 2011. I have mainly been in charge of the seminars for SME promotion and for the spread and promotion of solar power generation. I am indebted to many company executives and people at universities and local organizations. I would like to use this opportunity to express my thanks. I hope at some point I can meet up and have friendly ties deepened with the participants whom I met during those four years and who have since returned home. I am extremely grateful for the work opportunity that afforded me the luxury of making friends throughout the world. Retirement awaits me right after I step down, and yet I have been given the fortune of being able to take on challenges in my second stage of life.

  • Date : June 9, 2015
  • Name : Mr. Atsumu MORI International Department