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New Year's message from Tajikistan  Ms. BAKOEVA Dilnoza- PREX Island

Ex-participants Messages
New Year’s message from Tajikistan  Ms. BAKOEVA Dilnoza

Ms. BAKOEVA Dilnoza

Hi. New Year in our language is Соли нав.

Japanese people are so friendly and polite-that’s my first impression of Japan. The stereotype is so true that they bow at every occasion and multiple times in a conversation. The more respect they have the deeper they bow.

After a week I get used to it and one notices that you start bowing yourself automatically.

The locals are also very helpful and will go out of their way to help you.

I have visited Kobe and Tokyo but what I noticed first is that the cities are so clean.

Also I visited Tokyo Tower my first impression is so amazing.

I use the metro system at first time in my life.

I was impressed by the Japanese network and infrastructure no only very clean,but also very punctual. Japan on of the top technological countries.

Japan has the best food, great shopping and unlimited and top quality choices of entertainment and Japan is of the great car-making, car-exporting country. And the people seem to be pretty smart over there. Japan is a very safe country without much crime.Japanese are very modern but they still respect and hold onto their traditions.

About our course I can say that information about policy SMEs in each countries.After visited KasugaTaisha Shrine and Todai-ji I were under impression there walk a lot of deers and how Japanese people pray and wrote your wishes I enjoyed of the trip to Nara.

Thank you …..

  • Date : January 1, 2018
  • Name : Ms. BAKOEVA Dilnoza
  • Seminar : 2017 Jica Small Business Promotion policy (A)