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Exhibition at TICAD7 YOKOHAMA, from 27th to 30th of August, 2019


PREX will be participating in TICAD7, which will be held in Yokohama, from 27th to 30th of August.
TICAD is an international conference on the development of African countries.
We will be stationed at Booth A-37, located at the Conference Center on the 5th floor of Pacifico Yokohama.

PREX has provided training courses for business executives and public administrators in the field of industrial development and promotion from developing countries in Kansai area. To date, 678 participants ranging from 48 countries in Africa have participated in our training courses.
The participants took the knowledge and experience they gained through such courses and applied it to furthering development in their home countries. At the same time, by welcoming such participants, Japanese corporations were able to further the globalization of their own workplaces, and we continue to strive towards establishing win-win relationships between developing countries and Japan.

Through this human resource development project, we hope to be a good partner which can support drastic African development. Our hope is to be a bridge between Africa and Japan through the cooperation between public and private sectors and academia.
To achieve this goal, it is imperative that we speak with as many people as possible about our ideas, exchange opinions, and hear everyone’s thoughts on this matter. If you are attending TICAD7, please visit our booth! If you happen to know anyone who is attending, please let them know about PREX and ask them to join us.
Hope to see you there!!!

Nous, “PREX”(Centre d’échange de Ressources humaines du Pacifique) ,allons participer au TICAD7 à Yokohama du 27 au 30 août. C’est une conférence internationale que le Japon organise pour discuter sur le développement de l’Afrique tous les 3 ans.
Nous serons au 4ème étage,au stand 37 de la salle de conférence.
Nous organisons des stages, principalement dans le domaine de la promotion industrielle, destinés aux cadres des secteurs public et privé,venus de pays émergents et en voie de développement.
Nous avons déjà accueilli 678 personnes de 48 pays d’Afrique.Ils mettent les connaissances et l’expérience ainsi acquises au service du développement de leurs pays.
Et du côté des entreprises japonaises,ces rencontres sont utiles à la stratégie de leur globalisation.Bref,il s’agit d’une relation gagnant-gagnant.
Nous voulons contribuer au développement continuel de l’Afrique à travers la formation professionnelle des cadres,servant de pont entre l’Afrique et le Japon dans le domaine académique et industriel.
Pour réaliser notre objectif,nous voulons échanger des idées avec beaucoup de gens.
Si vous participez au TICAD7,venez visiter notre stand.
Je vous prie aussi de transmettre cette information à ceux qui y participeront.
Rendez-vous donc au TICAD !!!