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PREX Symposium 2019 was held on April 9


(Nakatani, International Department, PREX: on the right in the photo)

PREX holds a symposium under the theme — international cooperation and human resource development — once a year. This year approximately 120 people attended the symposium.

Lots of people participate in PREX training courses not only from the Pacific regions but also from developing countries all over the world. Participants from various countries and Japanese people involved with PREX discuss with each other and put their head together to tackle their tasks, breaking through the borders.

Each training course has its target, and we, PREX, hope that taking part in training courses serves as an opportunity for each participant to play an active part in creating a better society by breaking through the walls and boundaries. In this symposium, the theme was “to break through the walls and boundaries—sharing“.

PREX will celebrate its 30th anniversary next year. We will strive to plan an even greater symposium so that more people will participate!

Nakatani, International Department, PREX