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スタッフコラム② 前田智帆


Muslims marked the end of Ramadan for about one month on 4th June.
They don’t eat neither drink when sun is up.
Through that acts, they know suffer of the poor and confirm importance of wealth sharing. In Senegal, where I was, they have habits to excuse their bad attitudes and share the foods for example sugar, date, rice, during Ramadan.
This year I did same as them and ate dinner together. I do deeply respect them to be able to think and help around.
I hope that you have a peaceful year as you pray.
*After graduation,I worked in Senegal as JICA volunteer and became a member of PREX from this April.
Nice to meet you . 

  • 掲載日:2019年6月7日
  • 氏名:前田智帆
  • 役職・職名:国際交流部
